Picasso-Rutault. Grand Écart, Exhibition, Picasso National Museum, Paris: 20 November - 2 May 2019

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When the traditional bumps with the conceptual.

With the new exhibition "Picasso-Rutault: grand écart", located at the Picasso Museum in Paris, the visitor has the opportunity to attend the silent and vibrant dialogue between two visions of painting, two artistic positions that suggest an impossible union between the two.

Two artists. One, Spanish, Pablo Picasso, with paintings, drawings, sculptures and collages representative of a traditional vision of painting, with completed, dated and signed paintings. The other, French, Claude Rutault, with his paintings completely questioning the whole existence of painting.

As the name of the exhibition indicates, the visitor is confronted with the great gap between these two ways of approaching painting, and finally art in general, by proposing to confront the view, the artistic reflections and the approach of both the artists, who despite the differences mixs within the exhibition.

From the unchangeable to the infinite: Collages, sculptures, drawings and paintings such as The Painter and his Model, so many definitive works by Picasso, confronted with paintings that constantly tend to be renewed. For nearly half a century, Rutault has been engaged in a process of perpetual questioning as to the very nature of painting. Without subject, without matter, neutral and uniform, painting is only painting, and the artist's creative process is based on a process of "definitions/methods".

Musée National Picasso

5 Rue de Thorigny, 75003 Paris, France

Picasso-Rutault. Grand Écart, Exhibition, Picasso National Museum, Paris: 20 November - 2 May 2019
Picasso-Rutault. Grand Écart, Exhibition, Picasso National Museum, Paris: 20 November - 2 May 2019
Picasso-Rutault. Grand Écart, Exhibition, Picasso National Museum, Paris: 20 November - 2 May 2019
Picasso-Rutault. Grand Écart, Exhibition, Picasso National Museum, Paris: 20 November - 2 May 2019
Picasso-Rutault. Grand Écart, Exhibition, Picasso National Museum, Paris: 20 November - 2 May 2019
Picasso-Rutault. Grand Écart, Exhibition, Picasso National Museum, Paris: 20 November - 2 May 2019
Picasso-Rutault. Grand Écart, Exhibition, Picasso National Museum, Paris: 20 November - 2 May 2019
Picasso-Rutault. Grand Écart, Exhibition, Picasso National Museum, Paris: 20 November - 2 May 2019
Picasso-Rutault. Grand Écart, Exhibition, Picasso National Museum, Paris: 20 November - 2 May 2019
Picasso-Rutault. Grand Écart, Exhibition, Picasso National Museum, Paris: 20 November - 2 May 2019
Picasso-Rutault. Grand Écart, Exhibition, Picasso National Museum, Paris: 20 November - 2 May 2019
Picasso-Rutault. Grand Écart, Exhibition, Picasso National Museum, Paris: 20 November - 2 May 2019
Picasso-Rutault. Grand Écart, Exhibition, Picasso National Museum, Paris: 20 November - 2 May 2019
Picasso-Rutault. Grand Écart, Exhibition, Picasso National Museum, Paris: 20 November - 2 May 2019

Opening Hours

10:30 - 18:00
10:30 - 18:00
10:30 - 18:00
10:30 - 18:00
09:30 - 18:00
09:30 - 18:00